Treatment Centers by City
- Des Moines
- Cedar Rapids
- Sioux City
- Council Bluffs
- Ames
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- Fort Dodge
- Iowa City
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- Cherokee
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- Independence
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- Atlantic
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- Decorah
- Le Mars
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- Albia
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- Denison
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- Keokuk
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- Missouri Valley
- Muscatine
- Oelwein
- Onawa
- Osceola
- Perry
- Sac City
- Sheldon
- Storm Lake
- Washington
- Waverly
- West Burlington
- Adair
- Adel
- Algona
- Ankeny
- Audubon
- Bayard
- Bettendorf
- Cedar Falls
- Clarion
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- Delhi
- Elkader
- Fayette
- Fredericksburg
- Grinnell
- Guthrie Center
- Harlan
- Hazleton
- Humboldt
- Ida Grove
- Indianola
- Jefferson
- Johnston
- Keosauqua
- Knoxville
- Lamoni
- Lenox
- Logan
- Manchester
- Manning
- Maquoketa
- Marengo
- Marion
- Mediapolis
- Orange City
- Pocahontas
- Prairie City
- Red Oak
- Rockwell City
- Shenandoah
- Sibley
- Sidney
- Sigourney
- Tama
- Tipton
- Urbandale
- Vinton
- Wapello
- Waukon
- Webster City
- West Des Moines
- West Union
- Everest Institute
- Everest Institute
is located at 2500 82nd Place Urbandale, IA. 50322 and can be contacted by calling 515-412-5112. Everest Institute offers treatment services for Prescription Drug Abuse, Alcoholism and Illicit Drug Addiction
Treatment Services Offered: Alcohol Addiction Treatment, Outpatient Alcohol Treatment
Payment Options: Insurance - Private Pay, Self Pay
- Contact Us
- A recent study by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism has determined that the health benefits of alcohol depend on a person's age, gender, and overall medical history. The current study indicated that for the general population, two drinks a day for men and one drink a day for women could relate to lower mortality and is unlikely to cause harm; health benefits of alcohol are always of concern to those who see only the dangerous side of drinking.
- The harmful use of alcohol is associated with several infectious diseases like HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and sexually transmitted infections (STIs). This is because alcohol consumption weakens the immune system and has a negative effect on patients�' adherence to antiretroviral treatment.
- As people age through adolescence and into young adulthood, they increasingly expect benefits from alcohol consumption and become less convinced of the risks.
- Alcoholics and individuals that abuse alcohol are much more likely to: have legal issues marital and domestic violence problems, struggle with unemployment, and to live in poverty.
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