Treatment Centers by City
- Des Moines
- Cedar Rapids
- Sioux City
- Council Bluffs
- Ames
- Davenport
- Fort Dodge
- Iowa City
- Waterloo
- Oskaloosa
- Ottumwa
- Spencer
- Chariton
- Cherokee
- Clinton
- Dubuque
- Independence
- Mason City
- Newton
- Spirit Lake
- Atlantic
- Carroll
- Centerville
- Decorah
- Le Mars
- Mount Pleasant
- Rock Valley
- Winterset
- Albia
- Boone
- Burlington
- Clarinda
- Corydon
- Cresco
- Creston
- Denison
- Emmetsburg
- Estherville
- Keokuk
- Marshalltown
- Missouri Valley
- Muscatine
- Oelwein
- Onawa
- Osceola
- Perry
- Sac City
- Sheldon
- Storm Lake
- Washington
- Waverly
- West Burlington
- Adair
- Adel
- Algona
- Ankeny
- Audubon
- Bayard
- Bettendorf
- Cedar Falls
- Clarion
- Coralville
- Delhi
- Elkader
- Fayette
- Fredericksburg
- Grinnell
- Guthrie Center
- Harlan
- Hazleton
- Humboldt
- Ida Grove
- Indianola
- Jefferson
- Johnston
- Keosauqua
- Knoxville
- Lamoni
- Lenox
- Logan
- Manchester
- Manning
- Maquoketa
- Marengo
- Marion
- Mediapolis
- Orange City
- Pocahontas
- Prairie City
- Red Oak
- Rockwell City
- Shenandoah
- Sibley
- Sidney
- Sigourney
- Tama
- Tipton
- Urbandale
- Vinton
- Wapello
- Waukon
- Webster City
- West Des Moines
- West Union
- Orchard Place
- Orchard Place
is located at 925 Porter Avenue Des Moines, IA. 50315 and can be contacted by calling 515-285-6781. Orchard Place offers treatment services for Prescription Drug Abuse, Alcoholism and Illicit Drug Addiction
Treatment Services Offered: Mental Balance Treatment Services, Dual Diagnosis, Lesbian and Gay
Payment Options: Payment Assistance Through Medicaid, Insurance - Private Pay, Insurance - Military, Self Pay
- Contact Us
- A study that was conducted by the National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) has reported that for every dollar spent on treatment of alcohol dependence, seven health care dollars are saved.
- A three week study by the National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse that had men and women consume 30-40 grams of alcohol (approximately three beers) per day, showed a 6.8% reduction in testosterone for the men and none for the women at the end of the study-period.
- Naltrexone is a drug that was approved by the American FDA in 1994 to help alcoholics who want to stop drinking but have trouble with relapse; this drug is reported to work on the endorphin system of the brain and is currently available in 35 countries.
- Alcohol and drug abuse cost the American economy an estimated 276 billion dollars per year in lost productivity, health care expenditures, crime, motor vehicle crashes and other conditions.
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